Friday, August 19, 2011

I was bored...

...So I decided to copy and paste this survey from my friend's blog. Enjoy reading about me!

– Available: Sure, why not.
– Age: 21
– Animals: I'm an animal lover. Especially when it comes to dogs.
– Beer: Not a big fan.
– Best friends: Annie. I kind of lost contact with all the others.
– Body Part on opposite sex: Eyes and lips. Oh, and butt.
– Best feeling in the world: I don't know... love?
– Best weather: Hot and sunny.
– Been in Love: I've had plenty of crushes, but I wouldn't say I've ever really been in love.
– Been on stage: I was in a couple classroom plays and a play at my friend's church. I was also in drama club for a couple of years. Ah, memories.
– Believe in Magic: In a young girls heart? No.
– Believe in Santa: No, but I wish he was real.
– Brand: Of what? You have to be more specific.
– Candy: Chocolate. And Skittles. But not chocolate Skittles.
– Color: I like a lot of colors, but I'm partial to red.
– Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate, definitely.
- Chinese/Indian/Italian: Italian. And Mexican. Why is that not an option? Racist!
- Cake or pie: Cake. Unless the pie is of the pumpkin variety.
– Cheese: I want all the cheese.

– Day or Night: I'm pretty much a night owl.
– Dancing in the rain: That sounds pretty stupid.

– Eyes: I like 'em big and dark. Or green.
– Ever failed a class?:I failed math in tenth grade, and just barely passed math in eleventh.
– Enemies: Not that I'm aware of.
– Exercise: I try to.

– First thoughts waking up: Usually, I'm trying to remember the dreams I had the night before.
– Food: Yum.

– Greatest Fear: Dying without really having lived.
– Get along with your parents: Most of the time.

– Hair Color: Brown with random bits of red and blond because I'm a mutt.
– Happy: Generally.
– Holiday: Halloween or GTFO. Also Christmas is pretty cool.

– Ice Cream: Chocolate malt.
– Jewelry: I like earrings, especially hoops and studs, but i always loose the studs.
– Job: Part time retail. It's not really cutting it.
– Kids: I want a boy, three girls, and another boy in that order. Yes, I know I'm insane.
– Kickboxing or karate: I used to want to take karate when I was a kid. Still kinda do.
– Keep a journal?: I kept a diary for a couple of years that I actually wrote in pretty often. But not any more. I do have notebooks that I write stories in. Most of the are terrible and some of them are okay.

– Love: Is awesome and terrible.
– Laughed so hard you cried: It's one of my favorite things to do.
- Milk flavor: Chocolate. (that's like, the sixth time I typed "chocolate." Seventh.)
– Movies: I don't really have any certain genre I watch. I guess mostly horrors, comedies, and dramas. I love it when the dramas are funnier than the comedies.
– Motion sickness: Nope. Never had it.

– Number: uh, 7, I guess. I don't really know why.

– One wish: Ooh, that's a hard one. Gonna have to get back to you on that.

– Perfect Pizza: Thin, crispy crust with lots of not-too-salty-but-still-flavorful cheese and a moderate amount of sauce. Mwah!
– Pepsi/Coke: They're both fine.
– Perfume/Cologne: Can't stand either.

– Quail: Just makes me think of Quail Man.

– Reason to cry: Usually over stress.
– Reality T.V: I don't think I ever watch reality TV besides what I see on "The Soup." Does "Jeopardy" count?
– Radio Station: I listen to Free Beer and Hot Wings a lot. But that's not really a radio station.

– Song: Right now I'm a little obsessed with late '90's/early '00's music in general. And the indie music from The Sims 3. Great, now you know I'm a dork.
– Shoe size: About a 9.
– Salad Dressing: Yuck.
– Skinny dip: Never done it, but it sounds fun.
– Strawberries/Blueberries: In baked goods, blueberries. Outside of that, I'm not much of a berry person.
– Sport: I haven't played in a while, but I used to like volleyball. And I love swimming.
- Sex: Bom chicka wah wah!

– Tattoos?: I have one on my shoulder. I'd like to get more someday, but I'm not in a rush.
– Thunderstorms: Love 'em. I think they're relaxing.

– Unpredictable: Not really. My cracking lame jokes all the time is pretty expected.

– Vacation spot(s): Anywhere I haven't been before. Excluding dangerous places.

– Weakness: I'm a little stupid.
– Who makes you laugh the most: I probably laugh the most when I'm with Anne. Most likely because of the shear amount of retarded jokes we share.
– Worst Weather?: Bitter cold and a shit-ton of snow. Fuck that noise.

– X-Rays: I've had a few.

-Year it is now: 2011
-Yellow: I used to hate it but now I'm kind of warming up to it. Get it? Because it's a warm color. Please forgive me. It's 1:30 in the morning.

–Zoo animal: I don't like zoos.
