Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Spooooky Story with an Anti-Climactic Ending

It's 7:00 at night on Friday, DEcember 28th. Alexis types on her keyboard in her cubicle. She'd always given everything she could to even the most miniscule of tasks. Since her report isn't done, she'll stay until it's finished.
it's dark. No moon, no stars. The floresant lights flicker on and off, making a monotonous buzzing. The wind kicks up and blows a bare tree branch aginst the large window next to Alexis's head. It makes a sudden, loud, scraping noise and she jumps in her seat.
Lightning. A large streak lights up the parking lot. She types faster. Her computer freezes.
"Son of a bitch!" She hits the side of her computer in a vein attempt to unfreeze it.
A bolt of lightning hits the power lines. Everything goes dark. She turns around to face the opening of her cubicle.
The sound of wind blowing through the 100-year-old building like the sighs of thousands of lost souls.
Lightning flashes. A dark figure runs across the opening of the cubicle. Alexis gasps.
A loud bang. She runs out into the twisted corridor, wondeing with every step, what lies behind the flimsy walls. Footsteps. Getting louder. Alexis, always somewhat of an athiest, begins to pray. To whom she doesn't know. Why, she is araid to imagine. Footsteps. Getting louder, still. Her legs go numb. She falls. Can't speak. Can't cry. Can't scream. She closes her eyes tight and wishes it all away.
Hot beath on her neck. She can hear it breathing. She whimpers.
"Excuse me," It's talking. An ancient, cracking voice. "You dropped you pen." It places it in Alexis's hand. The lights come back on.
On Monday, she quits.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Let's talk about movies for a little bit, shall we? (I don't care if you say "no," you're still going to listen to me ramble.) There are quite a few movies out, or coming out soon, in theaters that I'd like to see, which is rare. Usually, I'm the cynical type when it comes to movies. And even if there is one out that I'd like to see, most of the time, I can wait until it comes out on DVD. But lately, and maybe this is just because I'm broke, I've been seeing trailers for movies that I'd actually shill out $10 to watch. Not including the cost of snacks and drinks, of course. (I, like all red-blooded Americans, sneak them in.)

So, the first movie I want to talk about is this one I've wanted to see for a while. It's called "Paranormal Activity" and it's opening nation-wide tomorrow. In case you live in a cave and don't have access to a computer, (how are you reading this?) it's been getting a lot of buzz on the internet and it's been generally positive. It's getting so much buzz, that I'm worried about it not living up to the hype.
As a horror fan, it's really exciting to see how many good reviews it's getting, talking about how it messes with you when you're in bed at night and how you won't feel safe in your own home. In case you're not one of us, this is a horror fan's wet dream.
But I have to be careful to not get my hopes up too high. I've been burned before. For example, "Rosemary's Baby" is supposed to be one of the scariest movies ever. So, a little while ago, I finally rented it. It sucked.
But, I'm still pretty psyched about this movie. It's been a long time since I've seen a good scary movie. If you're a horror fan, you know what I mean when I say a horror movie is either fan-fucking-tastic or it's absolute shit. Where-as most horror movies are the latter, (I'm looking at you, "Saw" franchise!) "Paranormal Activity" really seems like it's going to be one of those movies that comes out and validates your reasons for being a fan of the genre. If it's not, I will be severely disappointed and my theoretical movie-boner will shrivel up and fall off.

When I first saw the trailer for "The Invention of Lying," I really wanted to see it. I'd call myself a fan of Ricky Gervais. Not hardcore, but I've seen some of his stuff and I liked it. The part in the trailer when he tells the woman he saved a baby from a burning building and a bear had me cracking up. I think that the premise is very original and I'm surprised that nobody'd come up with it before. Needless to say, I was pretty excited to see what Gervais would do with it. But then I read a review. I believe it was written by my favorite critic, Roger Ebert. (EDIT: It was not.) It said "Lying" is just another romantic comedy where the chubby loser chases after the girl. Even though I haven't seen it, I'm willing to bet money he succeeds. So, I'm not going to see that one. maybe I will when it comes out on DVD...maybe.

Then there's this one called "Law Abiding Citizen." Stupid title, yes, but the movie looks really interesting and intense. I love movies where the villain/criminal/what-have-you is a total psychopath. Like Heath Ledger's Joker (the only good thing about "The Dark Knight" other than the special effects.) or the guy in "Se7en." Criminal masterminds are intriguing.

I saw this trailer for the first time just the other night. It's called "The Men Who Stare at Goats." It looks pretty interesting and kinda funny. Although, I have to admit that I mainly just want to see it because of the title. It makes me think of two old men who sit on their front porch in some rural shit-sack town and literally just stare at goats all day. In fact, I'm a little sad that that's not what the it's about. It still looks pretty good, though.

I've been waiting to see "The Princess and the Frog" since Disney first announced it. I'm really excited about it for three reasons. 1)It's Disney's return to 2-D animation. Don't get me wrong. CGI is fine. It just shouldn't be used in all animated movies. Especially not a Princess movie. That would be blasphemy! 2)It's Disney's first black princess, so, that's pretty cool. I still can't believe that we elected a black man to the highest office in the nation before Disney released a movie starring a black princess. 3)Speaking of Disney and racial sensitivity, I want to see if Disney can make it through one movie without being racist.*

People have been talking about "2012" for a while now. I have to admit that I'm pretty anxious to see it. In one of the tailers, this family is trying to to escape from something (an earthquake?) and as they're driving, the highway is collapsing around them and buildings are falling down and shit and it's fucking AWESOME! I couldn't take my eyes off it. If it was that cool on my shitty little computer screen, I can't imagine what it's going to look like on the big screen. Actually yes, I can. FUCKING AWESOME!!! That's how it's going to look! Sometimes, you gotta be a 10-year-old boy. Even if you are a 20-year-old woman.

And that's D-bo on movies. Good-bye.

*On the subject of racism in "The Princess and the Frog," I think Disney has gotten a lot of undeserved negative attention regarding this movie. Yes, Disney has a history of being, well, racist, but I don't see anything awful about this movie so far. First, they changed the main character's name from Maddy to Tiana. People were complaining that Maddy sounded too muck like "mammy." Okay, I can see how people would be offended by that. Understandable. Then they changed her profession from a maid to a chef because people were complaining that it would give little black girls the idea that all they could be is a servant. That's where it gets a little ridiculous. The thing is, the movie takes place in New Orleans in the 1920's. It wouldn't be uncommon for a young black woman back then to be a maid. I don't think Disney meant anything racist by this. And then, people started complaining about the race of the prince. They left it ambiguous, but he certainly isn't black. People complained that it doesn't give little black boys anybody to look up to. Little girls idolize princesses, but little boys don't idolize princes. That's why there's a Disney princess line, but not a Disney prince line.