Friday, September 11, 2009

Some of My Favorite Pictures (Form teh internetz)

The quality is shitty, but I believe that is a child writhing in terror as Vampire Mickey goes in for the kill.

This woman is my new hero.

Made it m'self, I did!

This picture is pure awesome!

I'm not totally sure what's going on here, but I think this guy lost a bet.

This picture is so... It's just... I don't even know what to say.

Growing up in the '90's on a healthy dose of Disney, I can say, without hyperbole, that this is one of the best things I've ever seen.

It's very fun!

I hate to put a meme up here, but how could I not?

The 10-year-old side of me just can't resist this.

Simple. Hilarious. Simply hilarious.


That burrito looks so yummy. Just looking at it makes me hungry.

I don't know if this is photoshopped or not, but I desperately hope it's not. Actually, come to think of it, it's probably not. I mean, have you ever smelled Nelson Mandela? The man smells like a field full of wild flowers!

Can you imagine touching a fucking WHALE?! Holy shit!

I know it's old, but it's still fucking funny.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

So, Here's a Story I Wrote a While Back...

At night, everything takes on a sort of super-natural quality. The walls are marked with the shadows of the bare trees outside. Every sound is magnified ten-fold. One's ears pick up every miniscule noise and one's mind analyzes them to the point of paranoia. Was that the house settling? Or was it something… One fights to keep the terrifying images out of mind. Photographs on the walls, that during the day feature relatives and friendly faces, now take on a sinister look.

A woman sits on her couch with the television on in front of her. But she pays no attention. Her mind is too preoccupied with something else to take delight in something so trivial.
A loud noise. The woman jumps in her seat. She is frozen with fear. Was that the wind? It couldn't be. The shadows of the trees on the wall are still. The noise came from the back door. Slowly creeping into her kitchen, she grabs the biggest knife she has. Holds it over her shoulder as she continues toward the door. A crash of thunder. Thunder. Was that the noise? She knows she has an active imagination. But, no, that wasn't thunder. She's at the back door now, knife at the ready. As she swings the door open as fast as possible, a bolt of lightning illuminates… nothing. She doesn’t know whether to be calm or unnerved.
She makes the trek back to her living room, which seems to take forever. The dim light behind her vanishes. The power's out. She contemplates leaving and going to a friend's house for the night. She's always been afraid of the dark, and in her present situation, it seems a more appropriate time than ever.
A streak of lightning. For a brief moment, she thinks she sees a form on her couch. Impossible. How could anyone have gotten in? All of the doors are locked, and the windows are shut.
More lightning. This time she definitely sees the outline of a man. She hears the creaking of the couch springs. Then the swooshing of someone walking toward her at a furious pace.
Something on her neck. A hand. It's freezing. An arm reaches out and pulls her toward its owner. An icy chill near her ear as it says on a deep, thirsty, grating voice:
"I consider myself to an honorable man. So I'll give you a choice: How would you like to die?"
She struggles, but he keeps her in his powerful grip by violently jerking her closer to his heatless body. "I'll ask you again. How--"
She interrupts him with a blood-curdling scream. His hand covers her mouth. "I don't think you what to find out what's going to happen if you try that again." He growls.
She finally gains the courage to talk. "Wh-who are you? What do you want from me?"
"You know who I am."
"No, I don't!"
"Think back. Remember that night? The heavy rain? You must have been in quite a hurry."
Her mind flashes back to the rain pounding on the street. She remembers not being able to see anything. Remembers the sound of the wheels squealing. The thud of a body hitting the car. And finally the smell of burning rubber as she speeds away.
"And as for what I want," As he speaks she smells rotting flesh. "I want revenge." She feels a cold blade at her neck.
"Please, don't kill me!"
"Oh, I'm not going to kill you. But, what you've done will hang over your head every minute of every hour of every day for the rest of your life. And you'll wish I had."

Please leave a comment telling me what you think. I don't mind criticism. I can handle it, but please make sure it's constructive and not just "zomg, u suck my cocks go die!" my main concern is this: is it too preachy?